
Reflector Barium Powder




Reflector Barium Powder

Each package contains 500 grams of Candela laser head reflective barium powder. total quantity 1000 grams

This formulation is specifically prepared for the Candela laser head and suitable for rebuilding the laser head for any of the following machines:

  • GentleLASE
  • GentleLASE Plus
  • Mini GentleLASE
  • Mini GentleYAG
  • Alex
  • AlexTriVantage
  • Gentlemax
  • Gentle Lase PRO
  • Gentle Yag PRO
  • Gentle MAX PRO

Candela Laser Head Protective Reflective Barium Powder Information:

A malfunction in the laser head can quickly lead to a break in one of the components, such as the laser head rod, the flow tubes, or flash lamp and thus result in a leak. A leak in in the laser head makes the reflective barium wet, thus in need of replacement along with the broken component that caused the leak in the first place.



  • Reflector barium powder should be replaced when laser head break down.
  • Sanphorus strongly recommends replacing wet powder because the wet one fails to provide sufficient protection.


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